Des Gardiens de la Houlette

Des Gardiens de la Houlette Berger de la Serra de Aires

Berger de la Serra de Aires

Premières expositions d'Esquilo

Actualité publié le 21/12/2009

Des Gardiens de la Houlette - Premières expositions d'Esquilo

Dear Lydia!

Finnish Winner dog show 12.12.2009 judge was Ricardo Pereira Leite from Portugal.

He is first time judging Cao da Serra De Aires in Finland.

I think at he is see only black and tan Serra, He say at Esquilo is promise but then he say ion review: 9 months, still needs to develop and gain continence, desent have the typical coat yet, movement is not typical at all. And Esquilo got result G.

Then 13.12.2009 was Nordic Winner-09 show and judge was Luis Pinto Teixeira from Portugal.

He say in review from Esquilo: Good size but short body, needs a little bit more temperament, good set of ears, correct mouth, normal front and top line, a little bit narrow movement. Esquilo got results VG3.

I m very satisfied with Esquilo. First show and big show. Nordic Winner-09 show was my breeder Gladlystones Beata Brenda BOS and got NordicW-09 tittle.

Esquilo is very happy dog. He’s colour is good and he is very friendly with all people and nearly with all dogs.

We wish very happy Christmas for you and your family.

Greetings Jatta & Esquilo

