Des Gardiens de la Houlette

Des Gardiens de la Houlette Berger de la Serra de Aires

Berger de la Serra de Aires

USA: Parade of Portugal 09!!

Actualité publié le 15/11/2008

Des Gardiens de la Houlette - USA: Parade of Portugal 09!!

Parade of Portugal 09!!


This year promises to be the best Parade of Portugal EVER! This year marks the first show with committee members from 4 of the breeds (so far).


Our 2009 Judge will be Pedro Sanches Delerue

He is the president of the Cão da Serra D`Aires club (Sheepdog) and responsible for writting the new standard of the breed, he has also been involved with the Podengos and Portuguese Water Dogs.

He is recognized by the Portuguese KC and FCI to Judge All Portuguese breeds and many others in several groups.

His kennel is Quinta D`Abroeira the nº1 in Portugal with a record of 35 world or european champion titles in 4 diferent breeds, and more than 100 champions.

The 2009 Specialty Committee:

Event Chairperson: Cindy Martishius (Estrela Mt Dog)
Event Secretary: Tracey Conner (Estrela Mt. Dog)
Committee Members:
Temple DaSilva (Port Pointers)
Kathy Dullinger (Port Pointers)
Angela Kalmanash(Port Water Dogs) 
Carol Sowders (Port Podengos)
(more to come!)

Last Updated ( Friday, 14 November 2008 22:23 )
